Thursday, January 7, 2010

I was right ...

Did nothing other than walk hills this week. Got up beyond a trot once. For the Tiki pony, went to a different side of the pasture where the hill is a LEETLE more steep, lol. It's a shorter physical distance, but he had to push harder to get up. For Mick, I stayed on his usual side because he's FINALLY walking up the hill without trying to spook and spin, yay! Monday and Tuesday I tacked everybody up. Wednesday, I rode just Tiki and Audrey, but I rode them bareback with their winter blankets on. That was an interesting experience:) Tiki felt very fresh, the little punk. Even with TWO blankets on, his spine still was quite painful. He would be SUPER comfy bareback if he wasn't so bony, haha. We're having our first snow of the season right now; last year we didn't get ANY. We should get an inch or two total. Spent all day inside today, YAY! It was a nice break. Will clean stalls tomorrow, but probably not ride. Tiki and Star have an IEA show Sunday:( Was really hoping it would be cancelled, but looks like it won't. At least it will be under a covered ring ... but it's still going to be COLD. I live in GA for a reason, I don't like the cold! Hopefully this deep freeze of 24 degree daytime highs will go AWAY next week!


  1. This sounds like exactly what I did all this week. I thought NC was supposed to be a bit warmer then this -- Georgia is DEFINITELY supposed to be. :)

  2. At least wearing a jacket is a good thing for once. How'd the show go?
