Friday, January 9, 2009

No rain!

It finally quit raining enough for the pasture to dry out for a bit, so I hopped on Tiki today. Haven't ridden him since Sunday (today is Friday); longed him first, and was happy to see some leaping and bucking. It was funny ... he expended more energy on the longe today than he EVER has. Got himself all sweaty before I even hopped on. I may ride again tomorrow before the rain comes back if I can get away from Patchwork quick enough.

After the longe, I got on, and we just walked. We did circles, leg yields, and bends. I asked for the trot finally, and really concentrated on just posting a steady rhythm. Threw in some halts, some walk transitions, some flexing, and he was just overall MUCH better than last time. Cantered both leads, then stopped. Finished up with a walk lap each way, and he even went through a water puddle!!! I was so happy; I think he's brave once he's done something. He can be a mule when he's scared or doesn't understand, but he's not dumb or stupid. Can't wait to go trail riding again; cold is supposed to come back next week, darn!:( Maybe I'll get lucky and catch a ride tomorrow. Till next time the weather cooperates!!!:)

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