Thursday, May 21, 2009

So, went across the street today ...

... and had an absolute blast! Susan is wonderful; this week has been a total "breakthrough" week for the Tiki man. We literally walked across the street and went into her teeny little ring. I let him look at everything; it's a perfect ring for babies because it's small enough that they would have a hard time getting out of control, and has lots of things to look at, so they really just de-spook. She gave us good feedback on him flexing his neck and stepping under himself. We did lots of circles, and she gave me good corrections on sitting back and relaxing my elbows. We actually nailed the right lead twice the FIRST time, holy cow! The canter itself wasn't all that great, but dang it, we got that transition!;) The left lead was great as usual, she had me sit it of course (Susan is primarily a dressage trainer), and really helped him to feel comfortable dropping his head and working his jaw. I think I will try to take a monthly lesson from either Janet or Susan every month just to keep us on track, and make sure I don't get stale. I was able to use what feedback she gave me for Tiki on Audrey afterwards. He's off tomorrow, then it's Wills Park on Saturday!

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